Summer is upon us, and, together with it, the sun, heat, and fun! And what better way to cool down while playing frisbee with your friends or having a backyard BBQ than with the iconic slushie?

Let’s first go back in time to the moment when slushies came to be. It all started with the failure of a soda machine invented by Omar Knedlik in 1958. When left with no other option, he placed his soda in the freezer, turning it into slush. He served that slush to his customers — who devoured it!
In 1962, he got a patent for the slushie machine, and there was no looking back as it became the beloved icy beverage of the time. In 1967, the 7 eleven began to sell slushies under the name of “Slurpee” because of the noise it made when people drank it. The rest, as they say, is history!
Grape Slushie
Author: Sun World Total Time: 10 minutes Difficulty: Easy
2 cups frozen seedless grapes
1.5 cups water/sparkling water (for a more soda texture)
Mint (to taste)
Place the grapes in a blender, add half of the water, and blend.
Pour into a glass, top off with the rest of the water.
Garnish with mint.
Watermelon Slushie
Author: Caitlin Shoemaker Total Time: 5 minutes Difficulty: Easy
2.5 cups diced seedless watermelon
1-2 teaspoons of honey or maple syrup (or anything else to bring in some sweetness)
Lime juice (optional)
Place watermelon, your choice of sweetener, lime juice, and half a cup of ice in a blender and blend until smooth. That’s it!
Nectarine Slushie
Author: Jessa Total Time: 5 minutes Difficulty: Easy
2 ripe, peeled and sliced nectarines
1 ¼ cups of small cubed ice
Your choice of sweetener
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until ice cubes are broken up into ice crystals.
We hope that you’ll slurp your way through the summer, loving these recipes as much as we did! Experiment and come up with your own. Summer is long and full of possibilities, why not share your exciting discoveries?
Article published on Cook & Culture