Venturing into the mountains of Romania to a part of the country where the legends, arts and crafts are strong but hidden. This project shows how culture,tradition, and identity are important in a country's economy and modernization. The Arts and Crafts center will not only bring in tourism and create an economic benefit for the villages, but it will also unite the villages and allow them to express their own identity. The people in the villages have the chance to show who they are and work at this museum, this also creates a strong community.

Scale: 1:500

Scale: 1:200

Scale: 1:500
Approaching the smell of the sea, the seagulls calling and entering a place of history in the south east of England. The Verbum is a building designed to hold a learning center in Margate. This building is inspired to be "a building within a building" with a beautiful atrium connecting everything. The learning center offers a view towards the city and another towards the sea. It provides a place for people of all ages to get an education, whether it be Oral,writing or acting classes.

The Lego
Prefabricated apartment housing, a dive into the future of modernism and creating simplicity in the building world. This building structure accommodates four different apartment types : single bedroom, double,triple and a four bedroom( duplex). The design of the building consists of apartments made off site. When the main steel structure is executed, the apartments are placed in such a way as stacked legos. Simplicity in structure, freedom in interior architecture and design.


Scale: 1:150
